Chest Surgeries

By Uni Clinic

Cosmetic Surgery

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Many women feel uncomfortable with the size and shape of their breasts, which can affect body confidence and self-esteem. Breast surgery is one the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures to enhance, change implants, reduce or lift the breast.

At the UNI HAIR CLINIC Group, our team of breast specialists provide the highest level of care and expertise, helping to ensure that you get the best results with the look that you desire. Often if you’re increasingly unhappy with yourself physically you’re self-confidence is soon impacted.

We provide a free, no obligation, consultation at all of our clinics with a trained medical professional – allowing you to further discuss your requirements and expectations. You will then meet with one of our specialist breast surgeons who will discuss your expected results.

Brow Lift

 lifting the area directly above the eye, opening up the eye area and making the face look younger

Breast Implant Removal

Whether it’s called ‘Breast Enlargement’, ‘Breast Augmentation’ or ‘boob job’, it is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in  turkey In the last Breast implants can be the answer to a number of breast related concerns, and there can be a number of reasons why people choose to get their implants removed.

There are many reasons why women choose to remove or replace their implants. Your implants may have come to the end of their natural lifespan, a change in lifestyle means that you no longer want to have breast implants. Your original implants may feel too large or too small, or it may simply be that body changes from pregnancy, weight fluctuations and natural ageing has left you unhappy with the current appearance of your breasts. Whatever your reason for wanting to remove, or potentially replace your breast implants, our team of highly qualified specialists will be able to talk you through the options available to you.

Breast Implant Removal Surgery

There are a number of different treatment options available to you depending on your desired look and the condition of your current breast implants. During your initial consultation, your surgeon will discuss all of these options to see which approach will be suitable for you. You will need to consider different breast implant shapes and sizes and what look you wish to achieve with your new implants.

Signs that you should be considering Breast Implant Removal / Replacement

Your implants are `bottoming out` (lateral displacement)

Your implants have become hard to the touch and misshapen (capsular contracture)

Your implants have started to move or rotate creating an uneven appearance

Your implants have moved to creating a gap between your breasts

You are unhappy with the size, shape or position

 Breast Implant Removal Surgery

The procedure is similar to Breast Enlargement surgery. To minimise scarring your surgeon will use your existing scars to remove your old implants, along with any internal scar tissue. The implant pocket is repaired and, if you choose, new implants will be inserted into the pocket. If you choose to increase the size of your implants your surgeon may recommend a capsulectomy to allow room for the larger volume of the implant.

Breast Implant Removal Results

Breast Implant Removal results will vary depending on the type of procedure undertaken. Implant Removal without replacement implants will leave breasts looking smaller and deflated, so an uplift may be considered for smaller, pert breasts. Whereas, an Implant Removal with new replacement implants could have the same appearance ensuring only the people you tell about your surgery will ever know.

Your surgeon will discuss your expectations and potential results during your consultation.

Breast Implant Removal Recovery

Most patients find recovery for a change of breast implants more comfortable than their original surgery as the tissue and skin in the area has already been stretched. If you choose larger implants or combine your procedure with a Breast Uplift (Mastopexy) your recovery will be similar to your initial Breast Enlargement surgery.

Your nurse will advise your about your post-operative recovery guidance before your surgery, however you should be able to return to a light version of your normal daily routine within a few days. We strongly recommend 2 weeks off work following your surgery and avoiding any strenuous exercise for 5-6 weeks.

Breast Implant Removal Options

Following Implant Removal surgery the breast will have a deflated appearance, which is why many women choose to undergo a two-stage procedure. At The UNI HAIR CLINIC Group we have a variety of options available to achieve the desired result.

Breast Implant Removal: your breast implants are removed and not replaced; no further surgery is performed

Breast Implant Replacement (Breast Re-Augmentation): your breast implants are removed and replaced with new implants. Depending on your breast tissue and following a conversation with your surgeon your new implants can be the same size, larger or smaller.

Breast Implant Removal and Uplift (Mastopexy): if your breast tissue has stretched as a result of pregnancy, weight loss, from a large breast implant or as part of the natural ageing process a Breast Implant Removal and Uplift might be the recommended by your surgeon. Your breast implants are removed and new implants are not re-inserted, but the breast tissue is lifted to give a pert natural result.

Breast Implant Removal and Enlargement with Uplift (Breast Re-Augmented Mastopexy): a combination procedure for those who want to lift and enlarged breasts with stretched tissue.

Breast Capsulectomy: Capsular Contracture can cause pain and distortion in the appearance of your bust. A capsulectomy procedure removes the capsule which is the lining around your implant and then you can either have the original implant removed or replaced.

When choosing the right procedure we recommend considering:

The shape of the breast – round or anatomical implants. Do you want your breast lifted or are you happy with the way they sit?

Size of breast – would you like to be larger, smaller or the same

Potential risk factors including Capsular Contracture

The Question You Wonder!

What is Capsular Contracture?

Following Breast Enlargement surgery, your body will usually form a layer of healthy tissue around the implant to make it a part of your body. This thin layer of natural breast tissue is called the capsule, formed of scar tissue and collagen) and is a natural and healthy part of the healing process.

Capsular Contracture is when, in time, the capsule thickens and hardens the breast causing discomfort and for the breasts to look misshapen and feel hard.

There is a grading system for capsular contracture called The Baker System. Baker I and Baker II are normal and do not require treatment.

Baker I / Grade 1 – Formation of scar tissue around the implant is not causing firmness or a change to the size, shape or texture of the breasts. Breasts are soft and look natural.

Baker II / Grade 2 – Patient has some firmness around the implant, but there is no distortion in the appearance of the breast.

Baker III / Grade 3 – Breasts are firm and may appear abnormal in shape such as round, high, and bulgy on top.

Baker IV / Grade 4 – Very similar to Grade 3 but patients will also experience breast soreness and may find their breasts tender and painful to touch.

Capsular Contracture is often diagnosed on physical examination and doesn’t usually require any other special tests.

It can occur on one or both implants and generally occurs during the healing process, however it is not unusual however to have Capsular Contracture occur within the first 2 years of the implants being placed.

Capsular Contracture is one of the most common reasons for Breast Augmentation revision surgery and will involve removing the entire capsule which is the lining around your implant and then you can either have the original implant removed or replaced.

What is the difference between a rupture and Capsular Contracture?

A rupture is where the implant can split; whilst this is rare it can happen so just to make you aware. Ruptured implants are a common cause of late-onset capsular contraction

Capsular Contracture is where the body builds up too much scar tissue around the implant; this happens in a small number of patients.

If either of these occur, it is more likely to be within the first 3 years; that is why we cover you completely free of charge to have the implants removed and replaced for 3 years from the date of your surgery.

What is internal scar tissue?

Following Breast Enlargement surgery your body gradually accepts the breast implant, however it is a foreign object and your body will react to it in time, in most cases, by rejecting it. The average lifespan of a breast implant is 10-15 years. At this point, the internal scar tissue, that was formed around the implant in the healing process of your initial surgery, will contract.

The scar tissue is known as a ‘capsule’. As the capsule contracts it may shrink or become thick or calcified and will impact the shape and feel of the implant – this is when removal or replacement is required.

Is Implant Removal right for me?

We cannot say whether Breast Implant Removal is right for you as this is your choice. Yet, if you can say yes to one or more of the following, we recommend you consider undergoing Breast Implant Replacement/Removal:

Your breast implants are over 10 years old

You have experienced shifting, sagging, or changes due to age, weight fluctuations, or pregnancy.

The look of your breasts may have changed since having children or breastfeeding

You’re not happy with the way your implants look or feel

You have developed a Capsular Contracture where the scar tissue around the implants is getting harder or tighter.

One or both implants have leaked or ruptured.

You feel as though you initially choose implants that were too large or too small and you want to change the size of your breasts.

You want to return to your original breast size.

You want to change the shape of your breasts, for example, from round implants to a more natural looking teardrop shaped implants.

With the exception of medical need the decision to remove and/or replace your breast implants is one only you can make. If you choose to go ahead our team of breast experts will explain all options available to you and answer any questions that you might have.

What will my breasts look like after Implant Removal?

In part this will depend on the procedure you opt for.

If you have your implants removed and not replaced then in most cases you will find that the skin retracts to some extent to how they were before your boob job, depending on how much your skin stretch to accommodate your implants. However you may find that you feel they look empty or deflated post-surgery, particularly during the healing process.

If you originally opted for large implants your skin may have stretched too much to return to their original, pre-surgery, appearance. In this instance your surgeon may recommend a breast uplift to remove any excess skin and to give a natural pert appearance following surgery.

If you choose to have your implants replaced you may have a very similar appearance to your current breasts, if this is the result you want.

The help you understand your potential results our specialist breast surgeons will be happy to assess you and discuss what results you can look to achieve.

What are the risks of Breast Implant Replacement surgery?

Breast Implant Replacement surgery carries the same risks as Breast Enlargement surgery. The main risks are:

Capsular Contracture is the most common complication following Breast Implant surgery and is one of the most common reasons to re-operate. Following surgery, the body forms a protective capsule of fibrous scar tissue around the implant, which it recognises as a foreign object. This tissue capsule is usually soft or slightly firm and not noticeable, it helps to keep the implant in place. In some women however, a tissue capsule forms that is unusually hard and dense. The capsule tightens around and squeezes the implant, this condition is called Capsular Contracture. Mentor has developed a process to reduce the risk of Capsular Contracture. The implant shell is vulcanised, which means no glue or adhesive is used to make the implant. As there is no seal on the implant so the risk of rupture and capsular contracture is significantly reduced, and this process is so successful it’s been patented!

ALCL stands for Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, the full title is Breast Implant Associate Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), and is an extremely rare cancerous tumour that can potentially grow around breast implants. The occurrence of ALCL affects is estimated at 1 in 24,000 breast implants (Source: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) July 2018). It usually appears with a sudden swelling in the breast surrounding the implant, although it can present with a mass. It usually happens many years after the implants have been placed, an average of 8 years. Most cases are easily treated by having the implant removed, along with the capsule that surrounds it (a procedure called Total Capsulectomy).

Illness refers to a range of systemic symptoms reported by some breast implant patients. Manufacturers track and monitor the systemic symptoms reported to them and report them to the proper regulatory authorities. Whilst the current body of scientific evidence does not support claims that breast implants cause systemic illness, the FDA, in partnership with industry and medical and plastic surgery societies, is taking steps to better characterise the set of conditions and its risk factors and researchers are working to understand the origins of the symptoms.

Rupture is most commonly caused by trauma to the chest, for example from a car accident or a needle puncture during a biopsy; a human error during surgery. The experienced surgeon will identify and replace or remove the defective implant. Our Mentor Breast Implants®️ are both FDA approved and CE marked, and have over 20 years of clinical data demonstrating their safety. Mentor is the only implant manufacturer that used an automated machine to dip the implant shell to ensure shell thickness is consistent for all three layers and human error removed.

Will the same surgeon who performed by Breast Enlargement also perform this surgery?

If you are looking to address ruptured implants or implants that have developed Capsular Contracture then usually the doctor you see will be your original breast surgeon.

If you are having a revision surgery not long after your initial Breast Enlargement procedure, we recommend that you at talk to your original surgeon, before going with another surgeon who will perform the procedure. If you want to change your surgeon, try to obtain details such as the size and type of your current implants.

If your surgery is not revision surgery, or you are unable to return to you with your original surgeon, you can choose any surgeon and any organisation to perform your Breast Implant Replacement or Breast Implant Removal surgery.

Can I keep my implant after surgery?

You used to be able to take your implants following explantation surgery. Nowadays, as a result of recent regulation, medical devices such as breast implants need to be disposed of in a safe and hygienic manner. As breast implants are a type of medical device that could potentially be contaminated, they are disposed of with any other medical waste from your operation.

Once your breast implants have been removed they will be inspected carefully for any signs of damage, if damage is identified we aim to return them to their manufacturer for closer inspection.

Chin Implants

adding shape and fullness to a receding chin, or to alter the overall shape of the face, often to balance and proportion

Breast Enlargement (Breast Augmentation or Breast Enhancement)

Breast Enlargement surgery, also known as Breast Augmentation or Breast Enhancement, is one of the most regularly performed procedures in the Turkey  and involves the insertion of implants under the breast tissue to increase the size or change the shape of the breasts.

Many women choose to have Breast Augmentation surgery to boost body confidence and to feel comfortable with the size and shape of their breasts.

About Breast Enlargement Surgery

Our Surgeons are registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) and our nurses are Registered General Nurses (RGN) to ensure that you’re provided with the best level of service and support throughout your journey.

The Breast Enlargement surgery only takes between one and two hours, and patients make a full recovery between four and six weeks after surgery.

We use Mentor Breast Implants, made for a natural look and feel with minimal scarring.

Choice of either round or CPG (also known as anatomical or teardrop) breast implants in a wide variety of projections and sizes.

We just make a number of small, discreet incisions to ensure that there is the minimal amount of scarring, and these will fade over time until they are almost invisible.

The Procedure for Breast Enlargement

At UNI HAIR CLINIC all of our medically led team of Surgeons and Cosmetic Surgery Nurses have years’ of experience and all are registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). Patient care is our number one priority, and that is why we insist on a minimum of two pre-surgery consultations, a full assessment of your current health and medical history, and ongoing post-operative care.

The Breast Enhancement operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic. The operation time will vary from patient to patient and can take between one and two hours depending on the type of breast surgery being carried out. The surgeon will make an incision in the skin about 3 to 5cms long, usually in the crease below the breast but incisions can also be made in the underarm or around the areola (nipple).

The surgeon will then create a pocket for the breast implant to be placed in and this can be between the breast tissue and chest muscle or behind the chest wall muscle. The size and shape of the breast, the looseness of the skin and your own anatomy will determine which position the surgeon feels is the best option for you and this will be explained and discussed at your Breast Enlargement consultation.

Surgeons at The UNI HAIR CLINIC Group use the Keller Funnel™️ to introduce the implant into the created pocket rather than the traditional method of the surgeon using their gloved fingers. 

This medical device provides a low friction or less traumatic insertion method for silicone gel implants and means a shorter incision length.

The incision will then be stitched, these may be dissolvable stitches rather than ones which require removing and the treated area will be dressed. 

There may be drainage tubes in place which will be removed before you go home

From your very first Breast Enlargement consultation with one of our Patient Advisors you will have a committed nursing team to talk you through the breast surgery and to provide all of the support you need.


What does the procedure entail?

The Breast Enlargement procedure usually takes between one and two hours to complete and it is carried out under general anaesthetic. After your treatment, you may require an overnight stay in hospital so that your progress can be monitored.

Your cosmetic surgeon will begin by making small incisions in the natural crease underneath the breast, in the armpit or the underside of the nipple area. They will then insert the implant either behind or over the muscle and breast tissue to give a natural shape before closing the incisions with surgical sutures. Your surgeon will advise which position will deliver the best results for you. You can discuss the Breast Enlargement procedure in more detail with your Cosmetic Surgeon during your consultation.

In most cases our surgeons will use the Keller Funnel™️ in their breast procedures, and at no additional cost to our patients.

The Keller Funnel™️ is an FDA* approved medical device that allows the surgeon to position the breast implant with minimal contact to the implant itself. This means that the breast implant never meets your skin during Breast Enlargement surgery ensuring it remains perfectly sterile. The funnel also allows the surgeon to make a smaller incision, which means that recovery time after surgery should lessen as the procedure is less impactful on the body.

Is Breast Enlargement right for me?

People choose to have Breast Enlargement for many different reasons. The procedure is most suitable for and most commonly performed on patients with small breasts, asymmetrical breasts or breasts that have lost volume or shape due to weight loss or pregnancy. There is no right or wrong reason to have a Breast Enlargement, Breast Uplift or Breast Reduction, but what’s essential for all patients is that you do thorough research and talk to your chosen cosmetic surgeon.

Breast Enlargement surgery is not recommended for women who have not fully developed, as the body shape can change a lot, naturally. To have this procedure at The UNI HAIR CLINIC Group, you must be over 18 and in good general health. Your cosmetic surgeon will have access to your medical records too, so they will be able to advise you on whether the procedure is suitable for you. We thoroughly assess all patients, regardless of age so please book a free consultation to find out if you’re a suitable patient.

How long do Breast Implants last?

We use Mentor Breast Implants, and these come with a 10-year warranty (which includes free replacement in the case of capsular contracture.

Mentor, a Johnson & Johnson brand, has been producing the highest quality breast implants for more than 20 years. They are approved by the US FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) and exceed CE and MHRA testing standards following more than 20 years of clinical data. They are also the UK’s leading provider of implants for breast reconstruction patients.

It’s important to bear in mind, breast implants will usually last between 10 and 12 years, after which they’ll need to be replaced.

Will I be left with scars?

For the Breast Enlargement procedure, surgical incisions are made in the most discreet places possible. This means that scarring is minimal and usually hidden in the armpit or under the natural creases of the breasts. Any scarring you are left with, following the Breast Enlargement, will fade over time until you are left with very faint marks that are barely noticeable.

What aftercare is available to me?

A high level of aftercare is crucial after any surgical procedure, that’s why you’ll only ever deal with qualified, caring professionals at the UNI HAIR CLINIC Group. From your first free consultation, to the dedicated check-ups following your Breast Enlargement, you’ll have a committed nurse and surgeon team to guide you through.

As our patient, we will do everything we can to ensure you have a full and speedy recovery following the Breast Enlargement surgery. Before you leave the hospital, you will be given full post-operative advice, as well as a phone number you can ring 24-hours a day if you have any questions or concerns. We pride ourselves on always being there to put your mind at ease in the weeks, months and years following Breast Enlargement surgery.

Following the breast enlargement procedure, you do not need to take any long-term precautions, just any that you took before you had your surgery. There are many myths surrounding Breast Implants and flying for example, but these have no basis in truth.


Platysmaplasty, is a surgical procedure by which any loose skin along the jaw line and on the neck itself is removed.

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breasts naturally change shape after pregnancy and breastfeeding; they can appear saggy and deflated after weight loss and droop as a part of the natural ageing process. This is due to the breast’s skin becoming so stretched that the breast tissue is not supported. Once this has occurred there is little that can be done to restore a naturally full and firm bust without surgery.

The decision to undergo a Breast Lift and Enlargement

One of the main reasons that women choose to undergo a Breast Uplift is due to them disliking their droopy, sagging and deflated breasts. If you are looking to lift and enlarge your breasts having a Breast Uplift with implants, an Augmented Mastopexy, is the only option for significant results, particularly for those with smaller breasts.

Whether you call it a ‘Breast Uplift with Implants’, a ‘Breast Lift/Enlargment’, or use the medical term ‘Augmented Mastopexy’ there are many reasons why someone might consider a combined Breast Uplift and Breast Enlargement procedure.

The decision to undergo a Breast Lift and Enlargement

One of the main reasons that women choose to undergo a Breast Uplift is due to them disliking their droopy, sagging and deflated breasts. If you are looking to lift and enlarge your breasts having a Breast Uplift with implants, an Augmented Mastopexy, is the only option for significant results, particularly for those with smaller breasts.

Whether you call it a ‘Breast Uplift with Implants’, a ‘Breast Lift/Enlargment’, or use the medical term ‘Augmented Mastopexy’ there are many reasons why someone might consider a combined Breast Uplift and Breast Enlargement procedure.

Why breasts sag?

Breasts are naturally lifted and supported by ligaments, called Copper’s ligaments, which over time can stretch and cause a sagging appearance. Loose skin or the loss of skin’s elasticity can also lead to droopy, deflated boobs. The degree to which breasts become sagging and droopy will be influenced by numerous factors including:

Gravity: your body cannot defy gravity, as it pulls your breasts down it stretches and strains your breast’s ligaments.

Breast size: larger breasts leads to a higher chance of sagging purely because higher breast mass is more vulnerable to gravity. Smaller breasts with a rounder bottom tend to hold their shape better than other breast shapes and sizes. A higher BMI is often associated with larger breasts.

Weight fluctuations: gaining or losing a good deal of weight, especially quickly, can change the shape of your breasts and stretch or shrink the skin surrounding them. Multiple pregnancies is the largest contributor to weight fluctuations.

Smoking: chemicals found in cigarettes causes the skin to lose elasticity by destroying existing Collagen and Elastin and limiting further production of the protein, so smokers are more likely to develop saggy breasts. Collagen and Elastin provide the skin with its natural strength and elasticity, and even being around second-hand smoke can cause lasting damage.

Genetics: the genes you get from your family play a part in the size and shape or your breasts, the strength of your Cooper’s ligaments, and your body weight.

Exercise: exercise that involves a lot of breast movement can put extra strain on the breast ligaments. If the breasts – especially large breasts – do not have proper support, it can lead to stretching of the ligaments and sagging of the breasts

Age: breasts often start to sag as part of the natural ageing process, particularly after menopause when hormone changes can affect the structure and volume of the breast tissue.

Preventing breasts from sagging

Due to the nature of ligaments and gravity nearly all breasts will sag eventually, regardless of size. However, there are some precautions that can be taken to minimise the extent of the sagging

Manage a healthy weight: this is not about gaining or losing weight, but rather about keeping weight consistent and at a level that is healthy to you. Any weight changes should be made gradually over time.

Try to preserve the skin’s elasticity: firstly if you smoke, quit immediately. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water will promote good skin health and can help maintain elasticity.

Practice good posture: poor posture and slouching may compound the impact of gravity, while maintaining a good position with your back straight and your shoulders back, can help support the breasts and even give you a natural lift.

A pectoral muscle workout: another way to provide a small natural lift is to gently work out the muscles underneath the breast, the pectoralis major muscles.

Wear well-fitting, comfortable bras: regardless of breast size it is fundamental to find the right bra size when working out, the motion of exercise can lead to stretching and sagging. However, it is equally important to wear the right bra throughout the day as there is a school of thought that maintains the wrong bra size may have more negative effects than not wearing one at all.

Treating sagging breasts

While long-term maintenance of your skin and weight can slow the factors that cause saggy breasts the ways to reverse the situation, should you choose to, is limited. A pectoral work out will make a very small difference, most noticeably to smaller breasts, but for a significant difference only a breast uplift, with or without implants, can help restore your breasts to a more youthful, supple appearance.

The procedure for Augmented Mastopexy surgery

A Breast Lift with Implants is a surgical procedure, normally performed under a general anaesthetic that takes up to 2 hours to perform. During the procedure excess skin is removed allowing the remaining skin to be lifted and tightened, the nipple is often moved to a higher position and possibly reduced or reshaped. A breast implant is placed, usually above the muscle, to reshape the breast giving it a firmer, fuller and more youthful appearance. For an Augmented Mastopexy the excess skin will be removed from underneath the breast and will leave a ‘lollipop’ shaped scar running around the nipple with a vertical line to the underside of the breast. Occasionally your surgeon may make an incision in the crease under the breast to make an anchor shape scar, this will be discussed during your consultation.

Choosing when to have a Combined Breast Uplift and Breast Enlargement is very personal. We recommend you consider timings particularly if you are considering a pregnancy in the future. Most women seek to undergo a breast uplift after their families are complete because the breast tissue may stretch again reducing the effectiveness of the surgery. However, you can undergo a Breast Uplift and Enlargement before pregnancy without any risks to the pregnancy or breast feeding.

Breast Uplift and Enlargement results

Immediately after your surgery your breast implants may seem too high and the skin too tight, it can take several months for the swelling to settle and for the implants to shift to a natural position. Eventually following your breast lift and enlargement you can expect your breasts to be fuller and more uplifted and the position of your nipples and areolas to be raised and improved. You may find that you have an increase or decrease in nipple sensation, this is common and can change over time. You can expect some swelling and bruising for a few weeks.

Scars are usually quite red for the first six weeks after surgery, over the following three months they should gradually change to a purple colour before fading. The scars will not be visible when you are wearing everyday clothing.

At your Breast Uplift and Enlargement consultation

You will be invited to meet with one of our Breast Surgery Specialists who will discuss your concerns and the results that you want, they will then recommend the best breast surgeon for you and talk to you a little about their experience.

It is fundamental that you thoroughly discuss your expectations with your surgeon before your surgery so that you understand what the Breast Lift with Implants will achieve and, most importantly whether it is right for you. Your surgeon will also discuss the scars you will have and your recovery process. When all of your questions have been answered and our completely happy to proceed our nurses will see you for a pre-op check-up. Following your surgery, in addition to a comprehensive guide to your aftercare requirements and a telephone number which will be answered by a Registered General Nurse 24/7.

If at any time you have more questions don’t hesitate to contact a member of our team who will be delighted to help.

Downtime, recovery and aftercare

Depending on several factors, that will be discussed with you during your consultation, you may either be discharged from hospital on the day of your procedure or will need to stay in the hospital overnight. Most of our patients choose to stay overnight for their comfort. If you go home on the same day we will request that an adult collect you from the hospital and stay with you overnight. Following a general anaesthetic you car insurance may not be valid for a period, check your documents if you’re unsure of your policy. You will find wearing a seatbelt uncomfortable as your chest will feel tight and your breasts and the ribs below your breasts will be sore, over the counter painkillers will help to keep you comfortable. Do not drive until you feel safe and are comfortable wearing a seatbelt.

Immediately following your surgery you may have drainage tubes in the breast to drain away any fluid or blood; these tubes will be taken out when the fluid or blood has stopped draining and usually before you go home. You may also be given antibiotics upon leaving the hospital, you must complete the full course. You can expect swelling and localised discomfort which will subside within a few weeks.

Allow yourself adequate time to recover to ensure you get the best results. We recommend that you take at least 2 weeks off work and depending on your age and general fitness, you will need to rest for two to six weeks only undertaking light activities. Avoid any strenuous activity while you are recovering as this will affect the speed at which you recover and your overall results. However, you should be back being able to exercise normally after six weeks. You will need to wear a support bra, with no under-wire, for at least 6 weeks.


Is it possible/safe to breastfeed with breast implants?

Yes absolutely. It is important to let your surgeon know if you plan to have children and breastfeed as it may influence where the incisions are made.

What are the risks?

The risks with Breast Enlargement are the same as with any surgical procedure that requires general anesthetic. Capsular contracture is the most common complication of Breast Enlargement surgery. The risks and details of the procedure will be fully explained during your consultation.

Who should have a Breast Uplift?

The final decision will be made between you and your Cosmetic Surgeon. The procedure is most suitable for those patients who feel self-conscious due to their breasts having excess skin and appear deflated from weight loss, ageing or pregnancy

Will my breasts still move like normal?

This depends upon multiple factors such as the type of implant you receive, the pocket dissection, the way your body holds the implant and whether or not there is any degree of capsular contracture.

It is possible for many women to have Breast Implants that are soft and move nicely, while other women have results that are firmer with an implant more fixed in position.

Can a Breast Uplift and Augmentation correct asymmetry?

Breast asymmetry is actually very common with the majority of women having one breast slightly larger than the other. However in more extreme cases of breast asymmetry can be emotionally distressing to a woman.

A Breast Uplift and Enlargement procedure can help to correct asymmetry in some cases but it can’t be guaranteed. Breast asymmetry is not always caused by an aberration in the breast but rather by symmetry in the chest wall which unfortunately can’t be corrected with this procedure.

I’m over 50 years old. Am I too old to get Breast Implants?

General good health is important, not age. Depending on your skin tone and tissue quality you should get excellent results particularly if you are having a Breast Uplift with your implantation surgery.

Eye Bag Surgery

restoring youthfulness to the face and despite the name, this procedure helps to improve the appearance of the overall eye area

Breast Uplift

Many women feel uncomfortable with the size and shape of their breasts, which can affect body confidence and self-esteem. Breast surgery is one the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures to enhance, change implants, reduce or lift the breast.

What can Breast Uplift do?

Many women feel uncomfortable with the size and shape of their breasts, which can affect body confidence and self-esteem. Breast surgery is one the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures to enhance, alter, reduce or lift the breast.


Is it right for me?

There are many reasons why people choose to have breast uplift (mastopexy) surgery:

  • The breasts are no longer firm and pert, making it difficult to wear clothes without the support of a bra
  • Following pregnancy and breast feeding, the breast becomes flatter and ’empty’ looking
  • Substantial weight loss from dieting can leave the breast deflated and with a lot of loose skin
  • Ageing skin loses elasticity and can cause sagging to the breasts. If this happens prematurely it may reduce self-confidence both in and out of clothes

What are the risks?

The risks with Breast Enlargement are the same as with any surgical procedure that requires general anesthetic. Capsular contracture is the most common complication of Breast Enlargement surgery. The risks and details of the procedure will be fully explained during your consultation.

Who can have Breast Uplift surgery?

The final decision will be made between you and your Cosmetic Surgeon. The procedure is most suitable for those patients who feel self-conscious due to their breasts having excess skin and appear deflated from weight loss, ageing or pregnancy

The UNI HAIR CLINIC Group has been committed to providing excellence in Cosmetic Surgery and Non Surgical Solutions in turkey since it was established. During this time, we have developed a full understanding of the many reasons why people have Cosmetic Surgery and how it can improve how they feel about themselves.

What is the difference between Round and CPG (Teardrop) Breast Implants?

The only difference between the round and the CPG (teardrop or anatomical) breast implant is the shape. Both implants have the same unique, patented Memory Gel®️ (although anatomical implants are made of a firmer gel to help them keep their shape) and outer shell and both come in a variety of projections and sizes. Most importantly both implants are tested to the highest exacting standards.

A round breast implant, currently the most popular style in the Turkey, looks like half a sphere is no defined top or bottom. Round implants give a full look directly under the nipple area providing the classic augmented appearance.

Teardrop implants have less volume towards the top of the implant and are fuller at the bottom, more closely resembling the look of a natural breast. Teardrop implants do have a slightly longer recovery time, but can produce a more natural result in some patients, which is becoming increasingly popular.

What is a CPG Implant?

The Contour Profile Gel (CPG) breast implant, also known as an anatomical implant, is the teardrop shaped implant that is designed to follow the curves of your body. The implant has less volume towards the top and are fuller at the bottom, result is a more natural looking fuller breast. This style of implant is the most requested across the world, particularly in Europe and America, and is growing in popularity in turkey where the trend for more discreet implants is growing.

What is a Keller Funnel™️?

The Keller Funnel™️ is an FDA* approved medical device that allows the surgeon to position the breast implant with minimal contact to the implant itself. This means that the implant never meets your skin during surgery ensuring it remains perfectly sterile. The funnel also allows the surgeon to make a smaller incision, which means that recovery time after surgery should lessen as the procedure is less impactful on the body.

In most cases our surgeons will use the Keller Funnel™️ in their breast procedures, and at no additional cost to our patients

Chin Implants

adding shape and fullness to a receding chin, or to alter the overall shape of the face, often to balance and proportion


Gynaecomastia (pronounced guy-ne-co-mastia) is a medical term meaning male breast enlargement. In the majority of cases there is no known cause and, although rarely talked about, it is a common condition. For men who feel self-conscious about their appearance, breast-reduction surgery can be helpful. The procedure removes tissue from the breasts, and in extreme cases excess skin. This information sheet will give you a basic understanding of what is involved if you are considering surgery to correct Gynaecomastia . It can’t answer all of your questions, as a lot depends on your personal situation.

Most teenage boys experience some degree of breast enlargement affecting one or both breasts. However, by early adulthood less than 10% have a residual problem. This incidence rises with age, reaching approximately 30% (1 in 3) in older men. Rarely, the breast enlargement can be caused by medicines (for high blood pressure, heart disease and prostate cancer), drugs (such as marijuana and anabolic steroids), some diseases (such as liver failure and some cancers) and some very rare congenital abnormalities (errors of development that one is born with). These causes should be excluded by the surgeon during an initial consultation. Additional information will be needed at this consultation regarding overall health, chest size and body shape, previous chest surgery, any bleeding tendencies and healing capabilities, some of which will be affected by smoking, alcohol and various medications.

The breast is made up of two main components, glandular tissue (firm and dense) and fatty tissue (soft). The ratio of glandular to fatty tissue in any breast varies from individual to individual and in gynaecomastia there may be an excess of both. If there is predominantly a diffuse fatty enlargement of the breast, liposuction is the usual treatment. This involves sucking out the tissue through a small tube inserted via a 3-4mm incision (see information sheet on liposuction for more detail). If excess glandular tissue is the primary cause of breast enlargement, it may need to be excised (cut out) with a scalpel. This will leave a scar, usually around the nipple edge. This excision can be performed alone or in conjunction with liposuction. Major reductions that involve the removal of a significant amount of tissue and skin may require larger incisions that result in more obvious scars. Most operations for gynaecomastia take about 90 minutes to complete and are performed under general anesthesia, or in some cases, under local anesthesia with sedation.

Following the surgery the chest is swollen and bruised for a while and it can be difficult to assess the full effect of the operation. To help reduce swelling, patients are often instructed to wear an elastic pressure garment continuously for one or two weeks. It is advisable to refrain from exercise for about three weeks and, in general, it takes about six weeks before one can return to completely normal activities. The potential complications of the surgery are relatively rare. They include inadequate removal of breast tissue, an uneven contour to the chest and reduced nipple sensation. If an excision has been performed, rather than liposuction, then a blood clot can form that may need to be drained at a second operation.

Want to schedule an appointment?

Call us at +90 555 015 47 30 to get info about cosmetic surgery!

Why Choose Us?


At UNI HAIR CLINIC Group our aftercare is second to none. You will have your own specially trained Cosmetic Surgery Nurse to guide you through your procedure and aftercare. In fact, with UNI HAIR CLINIC Group you are patient for life.

Our Cosmetic Surgeons are among the most skilled, qualified and experienced in the Cosmetic Surgery field and our fully qualified Cosmetic Surgery Nurses are specially selected for their expertise and approachability.

It is your body so naturally you will want to place it in the safe and trusting hands of UNI HAIR CLINIC Group. For quality care and ethical practices coupled with experience and they very best medical skills available, there is only one name to trust… UNI HAIR CLINIC Group